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I’ve seen a lot of desire for deluxification of this game’s components. I’m not sure there is much to do but wait for the publisher to some day make the pieces thicker or more colorful. Since the capsules I made for Orlea are working so well, I thought I’d try different shapes. Here’s a hex capsule that fits like a glove, nearly seamless and requires no glue.
Two veio mixed from the opecad file on my Orlea thing. One is 3mm thick and the other is 5mm thick. Simply change the fragments cotant ($fn) to 6 for a hex. The size I chose fits the board art, you could mess with dimeio as you like though. The token is centered between the two faces, regardless of the thickness you choose to make the capsule. Both sides of the piece are also visible even though they are single sided bits. For more heft you might want to try the solid bottom veio. The solid veio have off-centered toke so it sits as close to the open face as possible (0.4mm), I like this one the BEST and print 100% for max weight feel. Repeat for square toke if you like.
I probably won’t do this for this game, but if you’re obsessed with it, you might like the feel of the chips, and please let me know via make or comment if you make a full set for CoB - there's a ton of chips but at least it prints fast! Happy gaming.
If there's demand, I'll post the opecad file for these, let me now in the comments!