罗技 MX 垂直鼠标_Parasolid_UG_STEP__3D模型下载_迪威模型

罗技 MX 垂直鼠标

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罗技 MX 垂直鼠标


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What: Trust Mydo silent click (15 bucks) to Logitech MX Vertical conveion. 3D printed from PLA. Body, bottom, and pcb can be disassembled & separated without screwdriver (it only uses 3mm cube magnets)How: surface modeled the body based on different views of the mouse. Disassembled cheap mouse, put butto on separate prototyping PCB board, and designed a mount for this in the mouse. The battery compartment from the old mouse is glued into the new body. All parts are printed on the Creality-cr10, body is sanded and painted (it took some iteratio). It works fine, shape is ergonomic, although the overall feeling is not quite right. It's too light, and the precision of the cheap mouse is not very good.