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经过1.5公斤后,塑料开始活到自己的发动机在Y轴)(典型的爆音和喇叭)并决定取代nema17 1.5a到目前为止,家乡还可以印刷。




Imediately I will warn everyone MANDATORY WHEN PURCHASING THIS PRINTER,REDUCE THE VOLTAGE ON THE DRIVE and screw at least some piece of aluminum to them,they heat up like iro,initially from the box there are everywhere 1.45v-e.!it was found by experiments that at acceleratio of 170-200,the moto pull them out at a maximum at a voltage of 1.2v and then nothing will help them.therefore,at acceleratio up to 170,you can set 1.1v.

After 1.5 kg of plastic,the native engine on the Y-axis began to live out)(characteristic crackling and clattering)and it was decided to replace it with nema17 1.5a while the native one can still somehow print.

The motor mount for Y has been imprinted)(no need to cut the plastic of the original leg),overlap but you need to expand the windows for the belt a few mm to the left and right with a file),but you need to drill 3 holes.我drilled with a 2.5mm drill and cut a 3mm thread(it was more convenient for我对我的​​,我们还记得表(我drilled with without removing,但它是可能cut or damage the belt*2.5mm drill and cut a 3mm drill and cut a 3mm thread a 3mm thread***我**2 more convenient for我,我们还记得,我们还还记得**我****我drilled withwithwithwithwithout without without remoutoutoutoutoutoutoutoutoutoutout removing removing removing,但这是可能cut或damage the belt**2.5mm drmm drmm drdrdrdrdrdrdrdr页:1there will be no second opportunity,and the table on the one hand does not reach the recess,and on the other it goes almost 15mm on the leg,therefore we CAREFULY measure.(the holes 10mm)-we also use the original fastener for the belt,and it also has 10mm between the cente of the holes.)我把威胁在表,但它不是每个人的,但在印刷厂,它是最重要的收购威胁3mm。Also uealed the legs and used a double buffer to absorb vibration)(This is just the beginning,I will continue to change the rest of the engines,increase the base and,most likely,switch to the 2020 machine profile to fix the Z axis,otherwise it has a very flimsy design.是的,正确的从purchase我flashed它与玛琳2.0.5与compeation for belt/gear/reducer slippage,otherwise it is extremely difficult to print at least something technical.